Thursday, July 16, 2020

What is your view of America today?
Is it anything close to the America you grew up in?
Do you think it is better or worse than it was ten years ago?
I don't think there is a yes or no answer to any of this.
My feelings bounce from happy to sad and back again.
I love the way we are more open about things like discrimination.
I feel sad that it has turned into a tool used to attack other people.
I love the way we have cleaned up the air and chemical messes.
I feel sad when people are told that the planet will burn up in their lifetime.
I feel proud when I see beautiful buildings, bridges and statues.
I want to cry when fellow Americans burn them down.
I feel secure when I see police doing their difficult jobs.
I feel sad when our wonderful police force is abused.
My heart skips a beat when I see the American flag.
And I gag on my tears when I see it disgraced and ignored.
I will always vote for what makes me happy and proud.
Joyce Oroz

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